Friday, February 3, 2012

Bonjours mes amis!

Toulouse LeTrek
This site is devoted to my long-time friend and feline traveler of great accomplishments: Toulouse, the COOL Travel Cat. Here's what you can expect to see here under these headings:

  • TOULOUSE TALES: stories about Toulouse from various people who have met him ...
  • TOULOUSE AND FRIENDS: photos of celebrities, interesting characters and personages of significance who have befriended this feline celebrity
  • UPDATES: on where Toulouse is going to be and what he is currently up to ...
  • TOULOUSE TIDBITS:  interesting tidbits of gossip and information on Toulouse (you heard it here first!)

Stay tuned for Toulouse's worldly adventures with trusted (and beloved) friend and colleague Mouse.

Newly appointed as a communications officer and investigative researcher by IASSA (the International Agency of Sophisticated Secret Agents --not so secret now, I guess ... debonair smile), Toulouse was barely five minutes in the Zurich International Airport when he received his first mission -- investigate a castle in Western Switzerland where a count from Romania was supposedly staying.

What do the pastoral cow fields of Merlischachen, Switzerland, the jungles of Costa Maya, Bangkok, romantic Paris and Niagara Falls in Canada all have in common? TOULOUSE, of course! But there is great intrigue too ... find out what thread of intrigue links all these places in Toulouse Tales ... Chapter One coming soon to a blog near you!